class documentation

class _Cell:

View In Hierarchy

_Cell objects are aggregated to _Cells._list, which itself is composed to Grid.cells

A _Cell has an item property holding an object together with coordinates and span values.

Method __init__ Example
Instance Variable item must be None or _Gap, or Grid, or QSpacerItem, QLayout, QWidget
Instance Variable y int y coordinate
Instance Variable x int x coordinate
Instance Variable y_span int y direction span
Instance Variable x_span int x direction span
def __init__(self, item=None, y=None, x=None, y_span=1, x_span=1):


cell = _Cell( item=_Gap(...),   y=0, x=1, y_span=2, x_span=2 )
cell = _Cell( _Grid(...), 0,1, y_span=2, x_span=2 )
cell = _Cell( *QSpacerItem*,    0,1, y_span=2, x_span=2 )
cell = _Cell( *QLayout*, 0,1 )
cell = _Cell( *QWidget*, 0,1 )
grid.cells.add( cell )
ParametersitemNone or _Gap, or Grid, or QSpacerItem, QLayout, QWidget
yint y coordinate
xint x coordinate
y_spanint y direction span
x_spanint x direction span
item =
must be None or _Gap, or Grid, or QSpacerItem, QLayout, QWidget
y =
int y coordinate
x =
int x coordinate
y_span =
int y direction span
x_span =
int x direction span
API Documentation for gtgrid, generated by pydoctor 21.2.2 at 2021-06-12 11:12:41.