module documentation

Make working with QGridLayout easier

The interface class for this module is Grid.
In this moduele, there are a number of 3-tuples defining some colors.
Variable GREY RGB-tuple for explicit empty cells
Variable BLUE RGB-tuple for horizontal expander
Variable CYAN RGB-tuple for vertical expander
Variable YELLOW RGB-tuple for horizontal fixed size gaps
Variable ORANGE RGB-tuple for vertical fixed size gaps
Variable MAGENTA RGB-tuple for unused cells
Variable HEADER_BG RGB-tuple for headers default background color
Variable REMIND_TO_FINISH Undocumented
Class Grid Interface class for this qtgrid module
Class _WriteHead The _WriteHead keeps track of internal indices counting in 2 dimensions
Class _ColumnGaps Serve _Gap's for complete columns
Class _Spans Serve a list of 2-tuples (coordinates) which are parts of a span
Class _Cells Class _Cells aggregates _Cell objects in a simple list
Class _Cell _Cell objects are aggregated to _Cells._list, which itself is composed to Grid.cells
Class _Gap A gap within the layout has a direction and a length. Objects are hold in _Cell.item properties
RGB-tuple for explicit empty cells
(type: tuple[int, ...])
RGB-tuple for horizontal expander
(type: tuple[int, ...])
RGB-tuple for vertical expander
(type: tuple[int, ...])
RGB-tuple for horizontal fixed size gaps
(type: tuple[int, ...])
RGB-tuple for vertical fixed size gaps
(type: tuple[int, ...])
RGB-tuple for unused cells
(type: tuple[int, ...])
RGB-tuple for headers default background color
(type: tuple[int, ...])


(type: str)
API Documentation for gtgrid, generated by pydoctor 21.2.2 at 2021-06-12 11:12:41.